Unlike any other flood protection method our patented flood barrier systems Floodstop and FloodBlock™ offer a truly pragmatic solution to flooding.
Our flood barriers have been 3rd party tested at HR Wallingford, a world leading analysis centre in environmental hydraulics.
Our flood barriers have been designed to

How much does it cost?
Our flood protection solutions are more cost effective than competitive products. We pride ourselves on having developed innovative solutions that are pragmatic and affordable.
Floodstop and FloodBlock™ flood barriers are a substitute to sandbagging techniques, in terms of cost and are far superior in terms of assembly and function.
"Research by the insurance industry has shown that half a metre of floodwater in a modern semi-detached house will result in an average cost of £15,000-£30,000 to repair the building and £9,000 to replace damaged belongings."
Insurance industry spokesperson
The Pitt Review
In the summer of 2007, Britain suffered devastating floods that cost the economy an estimated £3 billion. After the floods, Sir Michael Pitt was asked by British Ministers to conduct an independent review of the flooding that took place.
The floods caused 13 deaths, affected nearly 50,000 homes and 7,000 businesses in England and involved more than 80 local authorities. His report set out glaring gaps in the UK's readiness to cope with widespread and prolonged flooding and he made 92 subsequent recommendations to make sure communities are better protected.
Two of these recommendations made a direct reference to the use of sandbags as a flood defence measure.
ES.49 – “…The Review was unable to obtain any significant evidence that sandbags were particularly effective during the 2007 summer floods in providing protection to individual households.”
ES.50 – “…The general provision of sandbags should be phased out in favour of better products such as kite-marked flood boards, air bricks and other forms of temporary defence”
The Government's Response
The Government’s response to the Pitt report supports changes in response to all of the recommendations in the review and commits the Government to take steps to effect these changes. The Government published the Draft Floods & Water Bill in 2009 as a response.
We pride ourselves on having developed innovative solutions that are pragmatic and affordable.
The Benefits
Benefits over sandbags
Our flood protection solutions are more cost effective than competitive products. We pride ourselves on having developed innovative solutions that are pragmatic and affordable.
Problems with sandbags
- Time consuming and labour intensive to assemble into flood barriers
- Prone to leakage
- Can only be used once, not reusable
- Viral and bacterial infections often present in flood water get transposed onto the porous hessian sacks
Benefits over other flood barrier systems
The following information is taken from “Temporary Flood Protection Guide” as produced by The Environment Agency.
Water filled tubes – disadvantages
- High width-to-height ratio is restrictive for larger tubes
- Susceptible to vandalism or damage by sharp objects
- Major tears or punctures can lead to failure of the whole system
- Difficulty in expelling all water from tube following use can lead to deterioration
- Risk of water freezing in tubes at low temperatures leading to failure
Flexible/fabric/tarpaulin barriers – disadvantages
- Susceptible to leakage at low water levels
- Skirt may twist or flap under heavy winds and current
- Susceptible to vandalism and accidental tear or puncture
- Membrane is susceptible to heavy winds (especially before flood peak)
Rigid Frame flood barriers – disadvantages
- Membrane is susceptible to heavy winds (especially before flood peak)
- High bearing pressure on soil
- Susceptible to leakage at low water levels
- Heavy transportation requirement
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